罗拉 integrates learning inside the classroom with experiences from the community, 工作场所, 和世界.

We work with you to identify the experiences that will challenge and expand your knowledge. We encourage you to 参与 in the valuable learning associated with academic 实习, 服务学习, 出国留学. 通过这些经历, you will discover your interests and be empowered to own and intentionally shape your education.




这取决于你的总学分和平均绩点, you can receive elective credit and valuable professional experience with internship course options.

Students who are required to take an internship for their major should contact your academic advisor for more information.


Dubuque and surrounding communities offer opportunities in non-profit and for-profit businesses. Nationally, students regularly complete 实习 in their hometowns across the country.

Students who study abroad in Ireland participate in 实习 in your program. In addition, international students may participate in credited 实习 in their homeland.


The 体验式学习中心 offers workshops on finding and preparing for 实习 and career positions. To request a one-on-one meeting to explore internship options specific to your interests, contact 珍妮韦伯.

Access Dubuque provides a filter for searching for 实习 in the Dubuque area.

罗拉 uses a career services portal as a primary source for internship and employment opportunities. 帖子会定期更新. 

LinkedIn has proven to be a successful tool for internship searches.

实习的问题? 大家一起说.

We realize transitioning from high school to college to a full-time career can seem like an overwhelming gap. Let us help you find that internship to build the bridge!

Students seeking more information on 实习 or wishing to schedule a personalized internship conversation, or employers seeking to connect with 罗拉大学 for internship offerings, 诚邀联系:


  • 罗拉大学 does not limit the number of 实习 students may take. 利用多个学期探索职业选择.
  • Credited 实习 include coursework designed to guide students through career discernment and vocational awareness.
  • Each credit requires a minimum of fifty hours of work for the site. In just ten hours a week, students can accumulate enough hours for a 3-credit internship.
  • Two course options exist to provide appropriate guidance through the internship experience.
  • 选修学分实习是合格/不合格的, 可能是1到4个学分, and are supervised by the academic internship coordinator in the 体验式学习中心.
  • 实习 within the major (required or elective) may be pass/fail or letter-graded, are usually taken for at least 3 credits (but other options may be available) and are supervised by a faculty member from that department.
  • All non-required 实习 are registered through the Academic Internship Application available through the student’s 书院中央网络 账户.



You will gain a deeper understanding of community and societal issues and develop a response and commitment to addressing them. Community-based learning opportunities occur locally, 在全国范围内, 或者通过国际课程, 实习, 和志愿服务.

Community-based learning provides hands-on experiences that connect classroom lessons to real-world contexts. 通过与社区伙伴合作, you can apply your knowledge to solve authentic problems, 培养同理心和公民责任感, 并获得职业准备技能.

另外, 罗拉大学 was recognized as a Special Partnership Honoree for Excellence in AmeriCorps Programming and 服务 as part of the Dubuque National 服务 Partnership.


Academic courses at 罗拉 incorporate outreach to the community. These courses come from various academic disciplines and require engaging with the community. Just a few examples of community-based learning courses include:

  • An English literature course challenging students to write strategically, 深思熟虑, and ethically in community work and 社会 justice efforts.
  • A creative media course encouraging students to produce award-winning videos by working with non-profit agencies throughout the community who want to share their stories with a broader audience.
  • Honors courses focused on transformative community impact and student learning.

志愿服务 & 本地服务

Get involved in student organizations and the local community. We have resources and guidance to help you learn more about opportunities to serve. 志愿服务 can be very rewarding and necessary for a strong and thriving community. Our Spiritual Life opportunities and other local volunteering allow you to connect with your community to make a difference and lead.


罗拉 offers a variety of service and 社会 justice experiences throughout the year. TREC代表思考, 反映, 参与, and connect—反映ing the depth of experience you encounter on these immersion trips.